Monday, January 12, 2009

Days 48 to 76 - Sat Dec 20 to Sat Jan 17 - Livin' La Vida Huizhou

This short blog post is my way of fudging through our time in Huizhou.  I've decided to make this entry the great dot-dot-dot of blog posts for a few reasons:

a) I want to shorten the lag between the actual date as I write this (mid-January) and the date of the trip blog (still back in mid-December) so that I'm not too far behind while we're touring Cambodia.

b) We aren't really doing much in Huizhou (sounds like "hway-jo"; rhymes with "away go").  

In university, Christmas vacation was traditionally the time of year when I'd go home to mom and dad's for a visit.  In a good year (take home exams or full year course with no mid-term), I could manage 3 or 4 weeks at home between the end of classes and the start of the new semester.  Those weeks were always spent doing a mishmash of things, and usually included great visits with family and friends, lots of movies and books, home-cooked meals.  When the weeks were over, I could never figure out where all the weeks had gone but I knew I'd enjoyed almost every minute.  

That's the best comparison I can think to make for our 4 weeks in Huizhou.   We're spending a lot of time with Dre and his Chinese family, getting into the city, exercising, doing a bit of footwork for Pierre's work visa, catching and fighting off colds, watching episodes of "How I Met Your Mother", and so on.  It's not the way we plan to spend our next 6 months in China, but it's feels perfectly respectable for a winter holiday.  

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